{"id":50135,"date":"2023-03-27T08:00:40","date_gmt":"2023-03-27T12:00:40","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/insiit.scdconsultingservices.com\/?p=50135"},"modified":"2023-03-27T08:00:40","modified_gmt":"2023-03-27T12:00:40","slug":"customized-it-support-hybrid-solutions","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/insi.net\/insi-articles\/customized-it-support-hybrid-solutions\/","title":{"rendered":"Customized IT Support – Help for Your IT Department"},"content":{"rendered":"

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What is Customized IT Support?<\/span><\/span><\/p>\n

Customized IT Support is a hybrid solution for companies growing their IT department over time. Specifically, this program combines the clients’ internal IT department and INSI solutions.\u00a0<\/span><\/p>\n

Customized IT Helps You Grow Your Own IT Department<\/span><\/p>\n

When a company is growing, it often hires its own internal IT professionals. However, attracting<\/em><\/strong> the right IT professionals and hiring the right<\/em><\/strong> technical skill sets can take time and effort. IT professionals are in high demand; and want a stable, secure position that offers a solid career path and benefits. In addition, your IT team will need advanced, robust technology tools and defined processes to be successful. This investment takes an extraordinary amount of time, trial by error approach, and significant capital investment before the department can operate efficiently and effectively. Until then, you will likely get subpar support.<\/span><\/span><\/p>\n

Compare Customized IT to the One-Man IT Shop<\/span><\/h2>\n

I have met with many executives who believe they can hire one person to manage their IT. While this may attract a small subset of IT people, most qualified IT professionals want a career path and an opportunity to advance beyond managing end-user issues. Moreover, they dream of a time they can be involved in IT strategy, advanced server support, and manage someone else to do the small-time entry-level IT helpdesk support. However, this situation creates a unique isolation problem where they have to learn everything independently, including new technologies and how to manage another engineer.<\/p>\n

Customized IT Hybrid Solution Can Help You Realize Your IT Vision<\/h2>\n

Unlike other MSPs, INSI is not interested in taking over your IT. Our plan is to work with your existing IT department and phase ourselves out as your IT department grows. This approach starts with an IT plan that helps your stakeholders identify what type of IT skillset you need and provides a roadmap to add technology and staff at different stages in your growth. In the interim, we provide the following:<\/p>\n