{"id":53970,"date":"2021-03-31T09:37:42","date_gmt":"2021-03-31T13:37:42","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/insi.net\/?p=53970"},"modified":"2021-03-31T09:37:42","modified_gmt":"2021-03-31T13:37:42","slug":"insi-celebrates-world-it-backup-day","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/insi.net\/insi-articles\/insi-celebrates-world-it-backup-day\/","title":{"rendered":"INSI Celebrates World IT Backup Day"},"content":{"rendered":"

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Celebrate World IT Backup Day with INSI on March 31st<\/sup>.\u00a0 You may find it interesting that this national tech day is the day before April Fool\u2019s Day. However, that is not by mistake.\u00a0 Moreover, it was specifically put on this date to keep us from becoming the butt of the joke from failed devices.\u00a0 Clearly, this is technology humor at its finest!<\/p>\n

History of World IT Backup Day<\/strong><\/h2>\n

There are mixed stories about the origins of World Backup Day.\u00a0 One of them claims it was started by a company called Maxtor, which was later acquired by Seagate Technology, a well-known storage company.\u00a0\u00a0 However, a more reliable story dates back to 2011 by a digital consultant named Ismail Judan. Subsequently, in this version, Judan had read a post on Reddit from a user who had lost all his data and wished someone had reminded him to back it up.\u00a0 Henceforth, Judan created World Backup Day to remind everyone to not be a fool about backing up their data.<\/p>\n

History of Backup Technology<\/strong><\/h2>\n

Originally, all backups were done on IBM punch cards.\u00a0 Next came magnetic tapes.\u00a0 Interestingly, these tapes could store the equivalent of 10,000 punch cards.\u00a0 While the hard-drive was introduced shortly after, the tape backups were much more affordable and thereby the primary choice for most vendors.\u00a0 It wasn\u2019t until the late 1990s that hard disk drives became affordable and therefore became the backup of choice.\u00a0 Finally, we came to the cloud backups. \u00a0Certainly, as cloud solutions became more popular, so did the cloud backup strategy.<\/p>\n

Best Practices for Backups<\/strong><\/h2>\n

Unfortunately, your chances of surviving a complete data failure are only 49%.\u00a0 This is regardless of whether or not the failure happens from a cyber-attack or natural disaster.\u00a0 Subsequently, this is why you need to follow best practices for your backups. This includes:<\/p>\n