Top 5 Cybersecurity Tips for Entrepreneurs

by | Oct 24, 2023 | Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity has become an increasingly important concern for entrepreneurs. Many small business owners believe that hackers have no interest in their data. Unfortunately, all businesses are a target for hackers. If you’re unsure how to protect your business from digital threats, an IT support provider like Innovative Network Systems, Inc (INSI) can be a fantastic resource. 

Below are some essential cybersecurity tips that every entrepreneur should know.

Disaster Recovery Plan

Every business owner must establish a disaster recovery plan incase they experience a cyber breach, loss, or theft. Disaster recovery plans should be easy to implement and execute. Your plan should also include multiple layers of infrastructure protection and continuously monitor your environment, keeping close tabs on your data. Remember to run tests regularly to ensure that there are no holes in your protections.

WiFI Network Configuration

Bad actors access your sensitive information through your WiFi network if it is not secure. Top Tech Info recommends connecting your WiFI with a WPA2 configuration to keep unauthorized users from accessing your data. You can also set up a firewall for your company’s network.

Back Up Data

Data backup should be part of your overall cybersecurity plan. If someone accesses your company’s data, they could erase or compromise important files. A data backup system is crucial for recovery. This is why your backup strategy should be secure, and only authorized users have access credentials, regardless of whether you’re using a cloud storage solution or hardware backup.

Password Security

Your information is only secure if you or your employees use strong passwords. Also, using the same password for multiple accounts may be easier to remember, but if a hacker compromises one system, he will likely have access to all. 

Kaspersky recommends creating passwords with a minimum of 10 to 12 characters, varied character types, and uncommon word combinations. Further, you should ensure you are using different passwords for your separate accounts and enable multi-factor authentication. 

Train Employees

Uninformed employees are the number one weakness of Ransomware. It would help if you offered cybersecurity best practices training to your employees as part of your comprehensive strategy. Emphasize they  play a key role in maintaining your company’s security standards. Cybersecurity can be confusing, especially if you’ve never considered yourself tech-savvy. But you don’t need to be an IT expert to navigate cybersecurity for your business. These tips will help you master the basics and keep your data secure.

Innovative Network Systems, Inc.s (INSIs)  Employee Phishing Test and Cybersecurity Training

Innovated Network Systems, Inc. (INSI) has end-user cybersecurity training for companies in Atlanta Metro. We want to do everything possible to educate and prevent our clients from downloading malware. According to the FBI 90% of breaches are caused by phishing scams. Prevention is always better than remediation. That’s why we feel it is important to give our clients tools and instructions to identify phishing attacks before they become a problem.



About INSI: The Best MSP in Atlanta!

Innovative Network Systems, Inc. has a unique approach to integrating IT support and cybersecurity. Our month-to-month programs range from basic support to proactive support, managed support, and customized support. Each program is tailored to the client’s needs and internal IT strengths.  

For more information about cybersecurity dangers and the preventative measures for your company, connect with the top MSP in Atlanta; Contact INSI: 770-387-2424, option 2 or click the link below. In addition, we offer 16 different cybersecurity programs to protect you and your data.

About the Author

Deborah Frazier is the author of IT Outsourcing Secrets – A Small Business Guide to Compare IT Support Companies. With nearly 20 years of experience consulting small and medium-sized businesses on their IT support needs, she brings a wealth of knowledge to INSI as Head of Marketing and Sales. If you like this article and want to be notified when a new article is posted, click here.

To make an appointment for more information about INSI and our Marietta and Atlanta metro IT Support services, click here.